The Bolivian bank adds to the technological fever of artificial intelligence


Banco Ecofuturo is in an "exploratory phase" of these revolutionary technologies and is facing "many challenges" to improve its services, said today in an act the national commercial director of Efe, Dante Rivadeneyra. In the new headquarters of the Bolivian bank.

Among the current challenges, the manager pointed to the search for the use of "data", framed in artificial intelligence, in a business like credit. artificially so that we can improve the quality of the portfolio, avoid a form of delinquency, for example, "said Rivadeneyra.

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The director of the bank He acknowledged that the application of this model would "arrive at the most precise time to grant funding to a client."

"Many applications can be made, but we must go unfolding and nuancing. "

To develop all these technological advantages, Rivadeneyra emphasized that" innovation management "was the key to maximum exploitation.

" While it is said that (l & rsquo; Innovation) must be creative, without a lot of rules, organizations must define how we manage and manage these elements so as not to lose that creative force, "he said.

Regarding cryptocurrencies, the use of which is prohibited Rivadeneyra commented the interest of Ecofuturo for the underlying technology, according to the order of the Central Bank of Bolivia

"We are not centralized on the question of cryptocurrency, but rather on how we use technology to solve certain problems.", He said

Cryptocurrencies are a type of digital currency based on a encryption system that operates independently of the banks. EFE

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