The bones of avocado has different properties, you will not throw it anymore


Although the avocado provides nutrients such as vitamin K, folic acid, vitamin C, potassium and vitamin B, it also contributes to proteins, healthy fats and fiber, but what are you doing with the lawyer?

We tell you the uses because you may have thrown a very important part of the lawyer!

The seed or avocado is an ingredient widely used for home remedies, whether for beauty or medications. According to a publication of the American Chemical Society, "the avocado seed shell could be the precious gemstone because the medicinal compounds, which could be used to treat cancer and heart disease". , mentioned Debasish Bandyopadhyay, researcher.

300 dry shells of avocado seeds were ground and 116 compounds were obtained, among which: behenyl alcohol or or as doconasol) which is an ingredient used in antiviral drugs; heptacosane, which inhibits the growth of tumor cells; Dodecanoic acid, increases high density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol.

If you are wondering what is the point of the lawyer's bone, here are the main benefits!

Antioxidant, to prevent aging and protect us

Prevents cardiovascular disease, mainly due to their amino acid content, since 70% of the amino acids of the avocado are in the bone, thus reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

weight, the avocado bone contains soluble fiber, which contributes to digestion and intestinal transit, in addition to providing satiety.

Strengthens the immune system, thanks to the phenolic used in various treatments for viral infection and allergies. Increases antibodies and strengthens our immune system.

So, you can consume the bones of avocado

To prepare tea to the bones of avocado, just remove the bone, wash it well and the boil in one liter of water, for about 15 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool.

Ideally, take a cup in the morning and another before bed, two to four times a week

Now that you know the benefits of the bones of avocado, you will surely think two times before throwing it in the trash!

Health 180

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