The brother of 'El Bukanas & # 39; is held in Veracruz


In the community of Sierra de Agua, in the municipality of Acultzingo, about 50 minutes from Orizaba, Veracruz, Saúl "N" was arrested, the second in command of the criminal group "Los Bukanas" headed by Roberto "N", aka "El Bukanas", dedicated to the kidnapping, extortion, theft of oil, railways and carriers.

On his Twitter account, the Commissioner General of the Federal Police, Manelich Castilla Craviotto, confirmed the arrest of the brother of El Bukanas, derived from the exchange of information with the governments of Puebla and Veracruz

After his location n, elements of the Mounted mounted an operation that allowed their capture, as well as three other people who were in possession of a large caliber firearm, useful cartridges, a loader, as well as a vehicle.

investigations, it is presumed that l participated in the & # 39; removal of three elements of the Office of the Special Prosecutor in the & # 39; removal of Puebla, which took place on 9 March 2017 in the municipality of & # 39; Atzitzintla, Puebla.

In addition to his likely intervention in the aggression occurred on July 21, 2017 against elements of the Ministry of Marine, in the city of Telpatlán, municipality of Vicente Guerrero, Puebla.

The detainees, with the insured, were made available in the sub-delegation of the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic (PGR) with headquarters in the city of Córdoba, Veracruz, to determine its legal status.

The brother of 'El Bukanas & # 39; is being held in Veracruz. (Televisa News)

The brother of 'El Bukanas & # 39; is held in Veracruz

The government of Veracruz has increased the reward for anyone providing information that lead to the capture of Roberto "N", aka "El Bukanas", leader of the criminal group "Los Bukanas", allegedly responsible recent attacks against the railways in the state.

"Today, we agreed to increase the reward up to five million pesos to anyone providing information that allow us to arrest Roberto de los Santos de Jesús, aka El Bukanas or El Bukana, with very precise intelligence data, we were able to determine that those who operate in the area are basically a structure headed by Roberto de los Santos de Jesús alias El Bukanas, who He calls the head of the city. a group Sangre Nueva Zeta (SNZ), they collaborate with him in criminal activities ", said the governor of Veracruz, Miguel Ángel Yunes.

On July 24, 2017, the government of Veracruz offered a million pesos for the capture of "El Bukana".

In addition, another criminal group operating in the area, known as "Los Rosas", was identified.

See also: Veracruz increases to 5 bn of reward to capture 'El Bukana'.

With the information of the national correspondents


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