The candidate for the position of local deputy of Panal in Chihuahua is detained


Chihuahua, Chih. Alejandro Villarreal Aldaz, former secretary general of section 8 of the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE) from 2010 to 2013 and current local candidate of the New Alliance Party via the multi-member channel, was arrested Wednesday morning, according to sources in the Office of the Attorney General of the State (FGE).

Alejandro Villarreal, former head of Section 8 of the SNTE during the administration of César Duarte, will be presented in the next hours before the Judge of Control to be charged with the misdemeanor of embezzlement, for a discrepancy of time. minus 3 million pesos for pensioners and retired teachers, when he was union leader.

In January 2017, a few months after Javier Corral Jurado became governor of Chihuahua, the Ministry of Education and Sports accused Alejandro Villarreal of the 6.8 million pesos gap, for an advance in payment of benefits to teachers, resources that they have not received

Manuel Arias, head of educational services of the State of Chihuahua, also filed in front of the prosecutor's office a complaint, "against who is responsible," for a discrepancy of 3 million pesos, handed over to section 8 of the SNTE for recognition bonus for retired teachers and retirees.

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