The capital | Highlights the benefits of triple therapy for patients with COPD


Although the disease has been disseminated, it is still unknown to many people: specialist


Agencia Notimex


Mexico. – Since nearly 10 million people in the country suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the multicenter and international study called IMPACT has been performed, through which triple therapy has been applied in one device, who

The doctor graduated from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Marco Polo Macias, explained that although it has been spread to the disease, it is still unknown to many people [19659007] "COPD shows high prevalence rates and high mortality.This is a disease that affects 7.9% of the population in Mexico, according to the latest information, so it is essential to Identify the early risk factors, "he said.

In an interview with Notimex, the specialist in pneumology pointed out that it is a disease that occurs due to the fact that it is not an infection. chronic exposure to toxic substances, two pri typically 90% of cases associated with smoking and the remainder with chronic exposure to wood smoke.

He explained that chronic exposure over the years puts people at risk and usually manifests 40 years.

"The three main symptoms are respiratory distress, coughing and sputum or the production of phlegm, for example, if a person smokes 20 cigarettes a day and if he smoked for 10 or 20 years, a Tobacco index is calculated and if it is greater than 10, it puts patients at risk.It is rare to see patients at risk under age 40. "

In case of suffering from symptoms, the specialist said that it is necessary to go to the doctor for an evaluation and carry out the study called spirometry, in which the patient he must blow on a machine, so that the values ​​of this that she breathes, the air that she exhales or what is left inside make a good calculation in case of pulmonary obstruction.

"All patients with risk factors Symptoms such as difficulty breathing, coughing or phlegm are essential to obtain spirometry, in this way and with a precise diagnosis, it is easier to see. help fight the level at which you are or improve your quality of life. "19659007] Macias said that Mexico has bronchodilator drugs, which help the bronchi to open because in COPD it closes, and d & rsquo; On the other hand, there is the other group of anti-inflammatory drugs.

"Combinations were made and currently what is most used is the mixture of these two types of drugs, either in double therapy. But recently, the triple therapy came to Mexico, which involves combining two bronchodilators with an anti-inflammatory, which gave very good results, "he said, having this triple therapy, because currently available only in the United States and in Mexico, in the case of the American continent.

"We are the second country in America to have this option available, which is great because it gives us the opportunity to be able to offer the patient a such quality of life, help her breathe better and that her lung function is better and important, the potential to reduce exacerbations because it is something terrible, "he said.

A new therapy emerged from the IMPACT study, which was performed in more than 10,000 patients in 37 countries

"Comparison of Triple Therapy Versus Therapies. The combination therapies that we are working on today show that triple therapy can reduce the risk of moderate to severe exacerbations by 25% and that severe exacerbations leading to hospitalization can reduce up to 34%. %, which Therefore, Marco Polo Macias said the new triple therapy is a breakthrough for patients with COPD because it helps them improve their daily lives.

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