The capital | Prediabetes is reversible when detected and served early


Prediabetes is diagnosed when fasting blood glucose exceeds 126 mg / dl, when it is normal for blood glucose to be between 70 and 99 mg / dl




Mexico.- If it is opportune and timely, pre-diabetes is reversible, provided the person changes their lifestyle, otherwise the disease can progress to type 2 diabetes.

The Ministry of Health emphasized the above when it reiterated the importance of moving from curative medicine to preventive medicine, for which it is essential that the population take the habit to visit the doctor regularly to control his weight and diet.

In a statement, he explained that in the case of prediabetes, it is diagnosed when the fasting blood glucose exceeds 126 mg / dl, while it is normal that the blood glucose is between 70 and 99 mg / dl.

He recalled that overweight, waist circumference, eating habits, inactivity, age, family history, race, gestational diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome and sleep are all factors which increase the risk of suffering prediabetes

He warned that prediabetes usually does not show symptoms, however, increased thirst, the urge to urinate often, fatigue and blurred vision are some that occur when a prediabetic person becomes diabetic.

Another sign, stating that a person may be at risk for developing type 2 diabetes, is blackening of the skin in certain parts of the body, such as: the neck, armpits, elbows, knees and joints.

The addiction guaranteed that this condition could be prevented by eating healthy foods, doing physical activity, reducing excess weight, controlling blood pressure and cholesterol.

The most serious consequence of prediabetes is the progression to type 2 diabetes, as it can cause: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, blindness and amputations.

On the other hand, home, workplace and school health care has been seen to help prevent diseases that generate high economic and human costs for families and the country.

It is estimated that the cost of care for a person with prediabetes well treated is three thousand pesos a year, while that of a patient who requests medical care at an advanced stage reaches 65,000 pesos.

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