The cases of Rickettsia persist


The Ministry of Health confirms that in Sonora there are no cases of dengue, zika or chikungunya, but there are four other cases of rickettsia last week.

Until the 27th week of the year, the state agency reported 33 weeks without dengue and 29 weeks without zika.

According to Gerardo Álvarez Hernández, one should not let down the guard against diseases transmitted by these vectors, because although there are no confirmed cases, it is in the season of rains that there is a risk

. continue with the actions of "lava, tapa, voltea y pull", to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes.

The Director General of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention stated that to avoid mosquito bites, it is necessary to wear clothes covering the arms, to wear pants, mosquito nets and to put mosquito nets to the windows.

Prevalence of the disease

Rickettsia are one of the diseases that have been present for years, The Health Service has confirmed four other cases of the disease during the last week, with a total of 37 cases, as well as one more death.

Kettsia has many symptoms, but the main ones are fever, headaches and discomfort, in addition to red marks on the skin.

In case of presenting any of these symptoms, you must consult a doctor to take the appropriate treatment because the disease is cured with the specific antibiotic, doxycycline, which is administered in the first three days of the onset of symptoms.

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