The Central Bank of Argentina increases the bank reserve by 3 percentage points | AmericaEconomy


Buenos Aires .- The Central Bank of Argentina said on Monday that it had increased bank reserves by 3 percentage points for deposits in pesos in order to control the liquidity of the foreign exchange market .

Previously, operators had stated that "Considering that each required minimum point in pesos represents about 20,000 million pesos (pesos), the measure will generate a cash absorption of 60,000 million pesos," the entity said. . a statement at the close of the market, when the national currency had increased by 2.22% against the dollar, to 28.20 / 28.32 units.

"At the discretion of the BCRA (central bank), tighter control of liquidity in the money market is essential to minimize the recent volatility of the foreign exchange market and strengthen the anti-inflationary commitment of the central bank. 39, entity. "

The increase in the date is independent of the increases announced above.

The gross weight accumulated in June decreased by 13.75%, to lose 29.05% in the last two months and has depreciated by 35.58% in 2018.

] In By June, the monetary entity had raised reserve requirements for savings and account deposits by 3 percentage points to 23% and had announced that it would increase by 2 points from 18 July.

The increase in the date is independent of previously announced increases, said a source to the entity.

Operators have agreed that the new Central Bank measure has forced the daily rise of the peso, in a narrow foreign exchange market due to the drag of the peso. the sharp depreciation and the high inflation in force

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