The Cervantino 2018 closes the curtain


XLVI International Cervantino Festival (FIC), which filled every corner of the capital of Guanajuato with explosions of diversity and colors from 34 countries it will end Sunday night with a sample of the Fair of Aguascalientes entitled "The colors of Herrán, the most Mexican painters", From the guest state of honor.

While India, the guest country of honor, said goodbye to the band's concert Dhol drummers from Rajasthan, Saturday night on the esplanade of Alhóndiga de Granaditas. The opening of the festival was also in charge of this country which, with A passage to Bollywood moved by the drama, romance and dance of this artistic expression that we know mainly by movies.

In the 19 days that the FIC edition has been developed This year, more than 450,000 people attended, 367,000 of whom attended the event. cultural and artistic performances (in preliminary figures), which represents an increase of 2% compared to last year. In addition to Guanajuato, the FIC was present in 38 cities of the Mexican Republic with 160 artistic events.

Artistic events also took place at outdoorssince 45% of the activities were devoted to young audience, like the concerts in the Alhóndiga de Granaditas, like Molotov (Mexico), Mala Rodríguez (Spain), Papa Changó (Ecuador), Hoppo! (Chile-Mexico) and Jupiter Okwess (Congo); and phrases such as A Passage to Bollywood (India) and the Mexican Folk Ballet by Amalia Hernández.

At a press conference, Marcela Diez, General Manager of FIC, assured that there is a certainty that the International Cervantino Festival It will continue over the next six years, after indicating that he reported on the progress of the 2019 edition to the cultural transition team, in meetings with Alejandra Frausto, next secretary of the Federal culture.

Ten also revealed that in the next year 's edition, the country and the state would be honored guests Canada and Guerrero. With migration as a thematic thread, the 2019 Cervantino International Festival It will take place from 9 to 27 October.

For his part, Simón Brault, president of the Council for Culture of Canada, thanked the invitation next year and said that with this meeting of arts and culture, his country was looking for to strengthen relations with Mexico. He noted that Canadians are a migrant city with a great cultural diversity as a manifestation of their Aboriginal peoples.

The safety report during the XLVI FIC It was provided by Alejandro Navarro, Municipal President of Guanajuato, who said that a person who died of asphyxiation during his stay in unregulated accommodation was reported, a Zacatecan tourist who died on 13 October.

He added that 605 people had been sent for administrative offenses, 44 detained as part of the breathalyzer program, 51 people in need of pre-hospital care and 1 927 road fines levied for tourists and residents.


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