The child asks to "meet God forever"; suffer from intimidation


FRANCE.- In a video shared on social networks, a child appears in tears because he is a victim of bullying at school in France and asks to meet God forever.

A record posted by the Twitter user, Manue_aldc, who allegedly obtained permission from the minor's family to post it on social networks, shows that a child, named Charlie, has been victim of intimidation on the part of one of his colleagues for a year, publishes the news portal the newspaper Milenio.

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"Since last year there is a boy named Nathan who strikes me all the time. And today, it is my little brother who beat, "he says in the video.

Later, Charlie comments in the video that he is fed up with Nathan's abuse and that he wants to meet God and die.

"I told my mother that I wanted to meet God and die, I'm tired of this child, he does not stop hitting me every day, I want to meet God forever," says the l & # Child with eyes full of tears.

A few days later, in another publication, you can see Charlie with a sign in which the word "Thank you" appears.

"I did not think little Charlie could still smile, just for tweeting, thanks for your RT, thanks to you, I could get in touch with his family and help him (of course, the family allows me to do this) ", mentions the Twitter user

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