The Church of Indianapolis cages Sagrada Familia for Trump's immigration policy


An Indianapolis church placed the statues of Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus in a cage with barbed wire in protest of the government's zero-tolerance policy towards immigrants Donald Trump.

The statues were placed Tuesday outside the Episcopal Cathedral in the center of Glorieta de Monumentos and surrounded by wire.

The Dean and Rector of the Temple, Reverend Stephen Carlsen, stated that the facility, which is part of the "Every Family is Sacred" campaign, condemns the immigration policy of arresting and locking up families on the border with Mexico

The Holy Family was a "homeless, homeless family" and the Bible says "we should love our neighbor as ourselves".

President Trump recently ended his policy of separating families at the border.


The Government Chaired by Donald Trump Plans to Extend the Detention of Undocumented Families for Months, Instead of Releasing Them, According to court documents.

The government will not separate families, but will maintain them during the processing of immigration proceedings. detained in or between ports of entry, "defended the lawyers of the Ministry of Justice.

These procedures can be extended for months or even years, a time when families were left behind until now. at liberty thanks to the practice of "catch and release", with which Trump wants to put an end.

That is why the president has put in place the "zero tolerance" with which families separated imputando migrant crimes to parents to send them to prison while children incarcerated in shelters.

Read more: After separating them in the United States, migrant parents do not know where their children are

his "zero tolerance" policy after the separation of some 2,500 their parents' children because of the immense rejection that it has generated nationally and internationally.

In addition, the court ordered the reunification of children with their parents, so that the government must release the families under the "Flores" agreement of 1997, which does not allow the detention of children. minors for more than 20 days.

It is this "Flores" agreement that Trump now wants to amend to keep r families in detention indefinitely while their immigration lawsuits and their eventual expulsion are resolved.

The document presented by the government in a California federal court does not state that it will hold families more than 20 days, but "while the immigration process is being processed."

During the trial, the government asked the Pentagon to establish military bases or temporary camps with a total capacity of 12,000 to accommodate immigrant families.

] Read more: Trump seeks to change the agreement to keep migrant families detained indefinitely

With information from AP

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