The Coahuila prosecutor confirms the capture of an individual involved in the killing of Fernando Purón


On Tuesday evening, the Attorney General of the State of Coahuila reported the arrest of one of those responsible for the killing of the candidate for the Federal District 1 deputy of Coahuila, Fernando Purón Johnston, on the 8th June after participating in debate at the Autonomous University of Coahuila, Piedras Negras Campus.

This person named Raúl "N" is one of the participants of those who appear at least in the video made public in recent days, a video that, of course, we obtained through the courts, precisely so that the validity could have effects in the investigation file and finally in the criminal process that concerns us, "said Gerardo Márquez Guevara, attorney general of Coahuila.

The Office of the Prosecutor has informed that Raúl is the person who appears in the recordings dressed in a hat, a red bandanna and a striped shirt and who enters at 19:24 at the Faculty and after having gone there where the debate takes place, it becomes confused among the participants.

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He was arrested by the investigative police, by the Judicial Police of the Office of the Attorney General of the State, in Piedras Negras, Coahuila, today, "said prosecutor Gerardo Márquez Guevara, Attorney General of Coahuila:

So far, three arrest warrants have been issued in connection with this case, two against the brothers José Ignacio and Erik Arámbula Viveros and which were respected on Tuesday, with the arrest of Raúl, l & rsquo; One of the main involved and a key player in this crime.

On June 12, the Attorney General of the State of Coahuila stated that he had identified the murderer of Fernando Purón Johnston, candidate for the position of District 1 federal deputy of the Coalition All for Mexico, composed of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI ) and Greens. Ecologist from Mexico (PVEM) and New Alliance, murdered on June 8th.

With information from Juan Andrés Martínez


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