The collective # FiscalíaQueSirva expressly repudiates the appointment of the Attorney General of the Republic


CITY OF MEXICO (apro) .- The collective # FiscalíaQueSirva has ruled against an express appointment of the Chief of the Attorney General of the Republic by the Senate, without a reform prior to the constitution 102 to guarantee an organ " independent "of economic and political power, key features to have a system of justice that we can trust and that allows us to put an end to corruption and impunity in our country. "

In a statement, the 300 organizations, activists and academics collective, called Andrés Manuel López Obrador, triumphant candidate in the presidential elections, as well as lawmakers, to dialogue with civil society and with the victims to carry out a "complete" transformation of the judicial system

To the political actors who will take possession in the coming months, they urged them to "dialogue and take advantage of the historic opportunity to make the face of the current historic opportunity they rejected any intention of the Senate to make this appointment, noting that "a specially appointed attorney can not perform his duties within a reasonable time". The Attorney General's office is in ruins and full of vices. "

They stated:" We need an institution that investigates crimes and punishes those responsible with efficiency, independence, credibility and ability to fight impunity and injustice. "

The collective # FiscalíaQueSirva felt that" the transformation of the country demands to ensure the rule of law, to reform and clean up our institutions and to initiate a process of reconciliation and dialogue. We want a justice system that we can trust. "

After evaluating the intention of the senators to conclude the outstanding issues, the signatories of the position insisted that" changes so relevant to the future of Mexico can not be concluded. by a hasty and outgoing legislature, "hence the need to" complete the reform of section 102 that began with the elimination of the automatic pass; also, with the ratification of this change in local legislatures, "which would allow" a justice system capable of ending corruption and impunity. "

The #FiscalíaQueSirva collective insisted that the premise should be:" Citizen consultation is essential to meet one of the main demands of Mexicans: More impunity! "[19659008] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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