The confrontation between Aislinn Derbez and the beauty brand for alleged discrimination | who


Aislinn Derbez filed a complaint against the mark L'Oréal before the National Council for the Prevention of Discrimination (Conapred) on the grounds that the French company discriminates against women and their nature, revealed the El Universal.

According to the newspaper, the daughter of Eugenio Derbez signed a contract with the cosmetics company on June 17, 2016, but a year later, the company started a lawsuit against her because the artist violated the exclusivity clause when she began a working relationship with the brand Saba dedicated to the sale of intimate hygiene products.

Media details of the past February 16, Aislinn filed a lawsuit against Conapred against "L & # 39; Oreal & # 39;, arguing that she requested the necessary permission to link her image to intimate hygiene products, but that she was denied because of the goals of both companies are different.

According to the newspaper, the document in which the wife of Mauricio Ochmann denounced the French company indicates that: "[ Saba] handles products of personal hygiene, which, by their nature, are not compatible with what they handle, since [ L'Oréal ] is dedicated to the promotion of beauty products aimed at enhancing femininity and beauty of the woman, her hair and her face, which is not reflected in menstruation-related products, suggesting that menstruation is something that is presumed dirty and unpleasant, even though it is is something natural for women "

The Mexican actress argued that she suffered discrimination in employment for gender reasons. "He considers that he is discriminated against by" L'Oréal "by not allowing him to associate his image with intimate hygiene products, given that this association is not considered worthy and decent.In addition, said company, in establishing the authorizations or prohibitions in the clauses of the image transfer contract, makes an alleged act of discrimination, creating an undue stereotype, degrading and violating the petitioner's rights ", explained the legal representative of Ochmann's partner

Similarly, the eldest daughter of Eugenio said:" [Que recibió de la empresa] treatment contrary to his dignity on the basis of sex, so that, if this were the case, the right to non-discrimination could be violated,

In response, L'Oréal disagreed with the same media and pointed out that the actress had violated the exclusivity clause q It prevented him from representing any media. another mark of beauty or hygiene: "We totally disagree with the arguments presented there [la queja] For L'Oréal respect for human rights is a non-negotiable priority and historically we played the role of an inclusive company offering opportunities to all (…) Shortly after signing the contract, Ms. Derbez violated this clause [de exclusividad] and decided to separate from the mark.A legal procedure is currently in progress. [La acusación] On a possible discrimination they have no basis and we are surprised by their accusations, because they do not represent in no case our society and our values. "

Finally, the Mexican newspaper confirmed that the complaint of the mother now of the family was accepted by the Conapred to analyze whether these signs represent or not an act of discrimination.

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