The contraceptive pill for men exists, according to a scientific study


mexico.- Currently, there is more than twenty methods of contraceptionbut only two are designed for the male reproductive organ: condoms and vasectomies. This could possibly change in the coming years with the marketing in pharmacies of the DMAU Pill for Menor Dimendrolone Undecanoatewhich would block sperm production and therefore prevent pregnancy.

Two scientists from University of Wolverhampton, in the UK, published in 2016 the results of a study demonstrating the possibility of controlling the movement of sperm, as well as its fertile capacity. In the same year, however, the trial of the first male contraceptive pill was interrupted by the Side effects like acne or mood swings, all related, on the other hand, to the woman pill.

But now, the new DMAU pill could be a revolution in birth control methods. The most prevalent currently, besides the male condom, are the ones that the woman must take: the IUD, the vaginal ring, the hormonal patches, the female condoms and, of course, the combined pill. The male version This would eliminate social pressure on women if they were responsible for family planning.

The tests to which the DMU was submitted were obtained very positive results, with only a few contraindications that do not differ much from the side effects of some female contraceptive methods. The men who volunteered to participate in the study gained weight and their HDA cholesterol levels decreased. However, they did not affect other vital organs such as the liver or kidneys.

Before reaching this stage, science has also tried other methods of contraception for men who have had more or less success. Testosterone injections will not only increase muscle mass, but will also prevent pregnancy in female partners. Another alternative would be a topical gel that would stop sperm production for a while, while the gold implant would kill them.

Even a unisex pill has been developed. But this is not the most curious, but the fact that it would be made from a component that is found in fruits such as mango, olives or grapes called lupeol. Be that as it may, it seems that little by little scientific progress is proceeding at the same pace as society towards an egalitarian world between men and women. Contraception should not be exclusively feminine.

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  • The health
  • Contraception
  • Men
  • DMAU
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