The Court that does not see the war (Article)


Por Alfredo Lecona

There is already a draft sentence on the law on internal security. The Minister Jorge Mario Pardo Rebolledo prepared a document claiming to declare unconstitutional 7 of the 34 sections of the law, leave intact 23 and amend 4.

The bill, to be considered by the Supreme Court in plenary session from the November 12 session, will be tempted to sell to public opinion as a solution to all the aberrations of the law, but it will not be true .

Even assuming that it is approved in its terms (which is very difficult when the vote of 8 of 11 ministers is required, article by article) The project is an admission of blindness to war and a lack of willingness to listen to the victims of violence. From the collective #SeguridadSinGuerra, we asked on October 2 to open public hearings to listen to the experts, the victims and the organizations that accompanied them. But on October 22, they responded that they could send their opinions in writing, thus missing the opportunity to participate. the only power that can be distinguished from the closure of Peña and a congress that, in December, ignored the national and international voices that recommended breaking the paradigm of the militarization of public security.

The project of Pardo is wrong by its lack of contextual analysis of the war. In its 501 pages, there is no mention of the crisis of violence experienced by the country or victims of atrocities committed by Mexico over the last 12 years. It gets worse when you recognize the concept of "Homeland Security", recognizing it as a side of the National security and he is more concerned when he keeps blank checks, such as who leaves the armed forces, so that they can perform espionage duties (Article 30).

But the minister and those who support the project without going further will tell us that the worst has been limited. That the opacity of the article 9 this allows information on law enforcement actions to be reserved for national security. That the President could no longer issue a statement of internal security protection if it was not at the request of the States (Article 11); or what the armed forces can not act without the issuance of this declaration (Article 26). But all they will tell us, they will do it without explaining that without this law, there was already too much abuse of the army and the navy for tasks that do not correspond to them. and for which their elements were not formed.

The sentence in the proposed terms would be nothing more than a political solution. The hot potato that no one wants, while the change of government has as its main promise the pacification of the country, but with future leaders who constantly repeat formulas that did not work in terms of security. A future secretary who will lead a superstructure of public security and coexisting with the terrible promise of creating a civil guard who, they say, will not repress human rights or do not make victims, but who threaten to mix the civil forces with the military forces, trying to convince us that the latter will submit to the first. With the promise of creating 50,000 new spaces for the federal police and armed forces. And as if that were not enough, at the request of the Congress of Sonora, promoted by MORENA, to apply the law on internal security in that state, by which the own Alfonso Durazo is a senator.

The potato is burned and Peña Nieto throws it in front of a court prepared to cook it in the middle of an open confrontation between members of the lopezobradorista Congress and a judiciary whose privileges are threatened. At a time and in a scenario where everything is mixed and everything is connected, it is hard to believe that the Court can be convinced to eliminate the Internal Security Act with reasons, which is why it is more relevant than ever to demand accountability and congruence to the next government and legislature that it controls today. It is more urgent than ever that Congress repeal the Homeland Security Actknowing that if the project of Pardo is the maximum one can aspire to, the paradigm of militarization will not change and there is no progress as to the urgent need to put in place a strategy aimed at strengthen and dignify the police and a progressive retirement plan for armed forces that do not belong to them.

The Internal Security Act is hindering. Each of his words, his points and his commas, takes us away from peace. The three powers are on trial and must do better than what Pardo proposes. Do it well.

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Alfredo Lecona

Activist Defender of Human Rights. Demonstrator He was born in Mexico City in 1986. Passionate about freedom of expression since May 2012, when university students gave a lesson in dignity to the country. He promoted and accompanied the legislative and political processes of civil society and as a parliamentary advisor, without ever having belonged to a political party. The Apartheid Consultant on Freedom of Expression, Justice, Corruption, Transparency and Civil Society Organizations.

* The opinion expressed herein is the responsibility of the person signing and does not necessarily represent the editorial position of Aristegui Noticias.

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