The Cuban Constitution paves the way for same-sex marriage


The National Assembly of Cuba (unicameral Parliament) concluded today two days of debates on the project of reform of the Constitution the content of which will be submitted to popular consultation between August 13 and November 15.

Before, the amendments approved during the parliamentary debate will be incorporated into the text, and it is not excluded that after the referendum new variants may be introduced Before -project of the Magna Carta, which must finally be approved by referendum on a date which remains to be announced.

Among the most remarkable novelties of the draft reform of the Cuban Constitution whose current text dates from 1976, is the elimination of references to communism, the recognition of property private, the institution of a prime minister and the modification of the initiation to marriage, which opens the doors to homosexual ties .

The National Assembly of the People's Power of Cuba discusses equal marriage during the second of three days of sessions. to discuss the draft of a new Constitution that reflects the economic, social and political reality of the country.


Among the most remarkable novelties of the draft reform of the Cuban Constitution include the elimination of references to communism and the modification of the definition of marriage

  Conclude in Cuba the debate on the Constitution ; submit the contents to the popular consultation   Conclude in Cuba the debate on the Constitution; subject to referendum

The more than 600 deputies evaluated at the beginning of the session – televised by the Cuban state channel and without access to foreign media – the union of couples without gender discrimination , proposal contained in Article 68 of the constitutional project that would lay the groundwork for legalizing same-sex marriages.

"With this proposal for a constitutional settlement, Cuba is among the vanguard countries, in the recognition and guarantee of human rights," said MP Mariela Castro, daughter of former president Raúl Castro, one of the leading promoters of the LGTBI community rights recognition on the island.

The deputies of the National Assembly will approve Monday's draft, although it still has to undergo a popular consultation and finally a referendum in which citizens allow the p The new Cuban Constitution is in force.

87-year-old Raúl Castro is scheduled to attend the final session of tomorrow, who left the presidency in April with Díaz Canel (58), the first Cuban state leader born after Revolution of 1959.


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