The curious story of the woman allergic to her husband


Sofia She's been married for 11 years, but since she's a boyfriend, she realized it was strange that something strange had happened when she kissed her husband.

"I immediately went to wash my face and put cream to get rid of the allergy that caused my beard"

But not only his beard. Sofia noticed that the allergy caused by her husband went further because even when they had sexhave suffered burns, itching and redness in their private parts.

A doctor he recommended them to use condoms to avoid the symptoms, but that has only made the situation worse: Sofia has turned out to be allergic to latex.

Strange allergy

Although the allergy to fluids is not common, experts agree that it could be related to the allergy to dogssince the proteins involved in both the allergies They are very similar and the body can confuse them.

Sofia learned that bathing after having sex with her husband this has reduced burns and, over time, the symptoms have decreased, although his beard blushes continually every time he kisses it.


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