The deaths of four babies in Morelos were due to bacteria: Ministry of Health; DH files formal complaint


CUERNAVACA, Mor. (Apro) .- While the Morelos Human Rights Commission has filed a complaint for the denunciation of the mothers of babies who died of "strange shape" at the General Hospital Cuernavaca's "José G. Parres", the Salud Secretariat (SS) assured that four died due to one bacterium and five due to inherent factors that presented several perinatal diseases.

In the complaint procedure of office for violation of human rights, settled with the number 151 / 2018-3 the third visitaduria, in charge of Aurelia Castañeda, the agency asked the implementation of precautionary measures to prevent further violations of alleged human rights of an impossible repair to users of health services. To that end, he granted a 12-hour warrant, which ended Wednesday night.

The Commission also required reports from the Office of the Attorney General of the State, the Ministry of Health and the Government Secretariat, with a delay of 10 calendar days, so that the causes of deaths are reported by the corresponding necropsies, that there are designated and investigated responsible persons and the historical evolution of the facts.

Meanwhile, the head of the Ministry of Health, Patricia Mora González, reported that, following the report of the mothers of babies who died at the hospital, a meeting was held with the teams of the Directorate General of Epidemiology (DGE), the Morelos Health Services (SSM) and the "Parres."

The official stated that the clinical records of each newborn were thoroughly examined, causes of admission to the UCEN (Special Neonatal Care Unit), Medical treatment and associated factors at death, as being considered to be critically ill, premature and severely ill (intracranial hemorrhage, congenital malformations, respiratory failure, acute renal failure and neonatal sepsis). "

Mora González also says" the measures that were taken from the first moment to assist the cases and the laboratory results were analyzed, which confirmed the presence of the bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae at four of the nine dead babies. However, he said that causes of death are multifactorial, so the bacteria is not the reason for them. "

He even said that in the case of five other babies who lost their lives," his death was not due to the presence of the bacteria, but to typical situations of his underlying illness at birth as heart disease or metabolic problems. "

The Investigation

the facts:" we will implement the necessary actions and we will act according to ethical and regulatory principles, we are not an ignored government and we will reach the ultimate consequences. "

The staff member informed that, as part of the investigation they are conducting, on Thursday, 12 and Friday, 13 July, three more hospital assessments will be carried out by the Commission for the Protection against Torture. Morelos State Health Risks (COPRISEM), the Directorate General of Quality and Health Education (DGCES) and another by the DGE, which will review the protocols of the UVEH of the Cuernavaca General Hospital.

According to the authority, the new revenues were "limited" to the UCEN and implemented. "Reference mechanisms and coordinated work with the IUCN. Hospital Mujer, located in Yautepec, and General Jojutla to ensure safe obstetric care for pregnant women. "

Finally, he stated that sanitary measures were" strengthened "between health personnel and family members and the use of surgical clothing, between other measures. Until now, five newborn babies are maintained in the UCEN with various diseases, without complications and with favorable progress in the recovery process.

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