The difference between Mexican and European is the sauce: Gignac


MONTERREY – For the Tigres striker, André-Pierre Gignac, the difference between a Mexican player and a French player is only in the food, because he has ensured that the elements of the two leagues are professional.

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"The only difference in the preparation between the Mexican and the European is salsa." In the concentration, we eat everything in the same way and the French lack a little more flavor, "he said in an interview ESPN.

"Everyday, I see Jesús Dueñas, Hugo Ayala, Jorge Nilo Torres and myself:" I do not train like that. "They are dogs, I work twice a day with a preparer. I do not agree with the press on what they say about the Mexican player, "he said.

The Frenchman went further and stressed that in League 1 some players usually take after each game. "I know a lot of French people, who are my friends, and I say that, they are alcoholics and they like to drink after a game."

After nearly four years in the Liga MX, Gignac said his goal was to add more titles in the windows of the institution and to leave aside individual achievements, as being the top scorer in history feline.

"We are not talking about records, we want to win important things, if we want to do things right and show people that we want to be a great man from Mexico, we have to win more and that goes through the championships, the MX Cups. , the Concacaf Cups and, hopefully, someday if we go back to Libertadores, too, "he said.

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