The digital assistant of Apple "killed" the creator Marvel characters


UNITED STATES – A possible mistake has led Apple's digital assistant, Siri, to consider Stan Lee as dead.

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According to Latam.ign, this error happened to I ask him the age of Stan Lee to Siri, and then he mentioned that the creator and father of many characters of Marvel died on July 2nd.

According to Sean O 'Connell, author of the note discovered the error when his son asked him about Lee's age when he left. the press function of Ant-Man & the Wasp. Not believing that he was 95 years old, asked Siri how old Stan Lee, to whom the application replied that Stan Lee died on July 2, 2018, at 95-year-old.

Apparently, Siri has already corrected the information, indicating only the age of Stan Lee.

Why this error? Siri gets information from questions via Wikidata, and all indications are that a user has changed the life status of the former Marvel editor.

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