The digital bank operates under alert; report a new computer attack



Mexican financial authorities have asked the sector institutions to strengthen their security measures against a possible cyberattack

This after the anomalies were reported on the cryptocurrency platform of Bitso Thursday . said to have been a victim of hacking without, until now, having affected its users.

In a joint statement, the Bank of Mexico, the Ministry of Finance and the National Banking and Securities Commission indicated that they financial entities are raising their alert levels and are strengthening their schemes. security and surveillance throughout the weekend and the following days.

They specified that the measure is preventive in nature because all infrastructures, including payment systems such as SPEI, operate normally.

At the end of April, the Mexican financial system was the victim of a hacking that cost at least 300 m. illones of pesos.

Warning hijacking in the local bank

The financial sector authorities have asked the industry institutions to strengthen their security measures, before a possible cyber attack against the system.

The previous thing since Thursday was reported some anomalies in the sector. In particular, the cryptocurrency platform of Bitso said to have been the victim of a cyber attack without the users being affected until now.

In a joint statement, the Bank of Mexico, the Ministry of Finance and the National Banking Commission The headlines reported that according to the elements detected in the control of the functioning of the financial system, the authorities have asked financial institutions to do the same. increase their alert levels and strengthen their security and surveillance systems throughout the weekend and the following days. ] The above has been done in accordance with the communication protocols established under the framework of the Information Security Coordination Bases signed between the financial sector authorities, the PGR and the professional associations on May 24, 2018. [19659011] The announced measure is of a preventive nature and the infrastructures and operators of the financial system function normally. This type of communication with financial entities will be part of the usual operation of the system, "he explained.

At the end of April alone, the Mexican financial system was the victim of piracy at an estimated cost to 300 million pesos Five institutions were involved, although only one publicly confirmed it

The CNBV issued an internal communique to the financial institutions where it asked to strengthen the supervisory its infrastructure through which it operates in payment systems, and the processes of reconciling the operations carried out through them, in addition to strengthening the alert systems to detect any irregularities.

Similarly, it requested that , in case of detection of an anomaly in its operation with the payment systems operated by the Bank of Mexico (Spei), report it immediately to the Payment Service Service Center (CASP)


Alerts have exploded after digital operator Bitso, cryptocurrency, realized that yesterday morning a cyberattack has been detected that has activated its security protocols.

On July 5, 2018, in Bitso de We detected a cyber attack that activated one of our security protocols. This envisages, in the first place, the deactivation of funding and virtual asset withdrawals to protect the funds, "they declared in the company.

In the line of sight of crime

Bitso's recent attack shows that cybercriminals are now directing their attacks to cryptocurrency-related platforms, so these companies must have multiple blueprints. # 39; emergency.

financial institutions such as banks and their credit cards are the main victims. The attack of these new entities will be a trend related to the cryptocurrency fever, "says Lucas Paus, IT Security Specialist at ESET Latin America

Digital currencies are becoming increasingly popular, the platforms responsible forms of their management they are violated and some even go bankrupt.

They must generate multiple emergency plans, forced by cyberattacks and different regulations, "he warned.

Bitso had this kind of plan, when they discovered the bombing. Withdrawals of assets.

-Aura Hernández

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