The dish Meghan Markle had to give up because of Queen Elizabeth II


We know that kingship has its rules and that all those who join the family must respect them. Since Meghan Markle married Prince Harry who meets dress codes and typical formalities, but we do not know he'll be able to do that with this other rule, which is tied to his dish prefer.

Video related: Some rules of royalty

According to the newspaper Express the Duchess of Sussex will have to stop eating one of her favorite ingredients, at least when she has to switch to Queen Elizabeth II. It is garlic, which is forbidden because the monarch can not bear the breath that he generates.

  The dish that Meghan Markle had to give up because of Queen Elizabeth II - Image 1

The head of Buckingham Palace himself He confirmed it. "We never serve anything that has garlic or too much onion – the queen would never include garlic on the menu," he said.

The saddest thing about all this is that Meghan is a fan of this ingredient. Even in an interview in 2012, he said that his favorite dish was garlic.

"I like to cook chicken on sunday with Filipino style marinade.It's very simple: you combine garlic, soy, vinegar, a little lemon, let the marinate chicken in this sauce … and put it in the slow cooker, "he says.

Apparently, the list of bans It gets longer. What we do not know, is if Meghan knew each of them or if she took a surprise

VIEW MORE: Why does Meghan Markle wear larger shoes?

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