the documentary made by the Mexicans who inspired the Croatian national team


Tomorrow evening, a few days before the Croatian football team plays a final in its history for the first time in the World Cup national television The European country will broadcast at 8:00 pm Vatreni a documentary directed by three young Mexican graduates of the Film Training Center .

Alfredo Sánchez, Edson Ramírez and Jorge Luis Linares never imagined the impact that their documentary would have on footballers and Croatian society, let alone that the national team had managed to sneak into the final of the World Cup 19459003. Russia 2018 .

"What we have seen since the start of the World Cup is totally different from what I felt for the current Croatian national team," said director of the film, Edson Ramírez in an interview with Carlos Puig for MILENIO Television .

The filmmakers commend the effect that Vatreni had on the selected, who were commissioned by their trainer, Zlatko Dalic to watch the documentary before their match against Nigeria in which they were 2-0 winners.

"They say that (Dalic) interrupted a training, took them to the locker room, told them to see that, and apparently they left very happy, that's what he said Lovren ", said the director of photography. Jorge Luis Linares With Vatreni – which tells the process of war and reconciliation of the Croatian people through football in the 90s, Ramírez assures that they have filled their "L & # The illusion of making a documentary that includes football as the main element ".

"We remember very much this selection of Croatia of 1998 that marked us in adolescence and childhood, especially because of the cruel war that had taken place a year ago and the young independence that they had., so young, it does something as well, where did they get this inspiration "added the director.

"It was a whole trip"

Filming a documentary in Croatia was quite a journey, according to the producer of Vatreni Aldredo Sánchez .

"It was a long process, three trips, with the support of the Croatian coach, Miroslav Blažević who lent us a car, gave us where to go and was traveling, looking for interviews, contacting the players with the support of the co-producer and the adventure, "he said.

For the realization of the film, the young people had to "see all the material that there is war, independence (…), we have seen all Croatian national teams registered until the end of the year. then (…) all the matches of World Cup 98 it was a very important dive rereading tapes of the local television ", remembers it Linares .


On the screening of the film, young Mexicans feel satisfied because the response of the Croatian public is positive.

"We played in four theaters simultaneously at Zagreb the first time we screened the film, we left the room and all the Croatian people congratulated us, it was a party it was a real dream ". Sánchez .


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