The dollar advances, starts at 20.49 pesos after polling day


On Monday, the dollar dollar opens the day with an increase of 27 cents, when it is sold at a maximum price of 20.49 pesos, and acquired at a minimum of 18, 90 pesos in capital banks.

According to Banco Base, the dollar is generally reinforced by an increase in demand, and because the new protectionists are expected.

This, he says, is due to the fact that United States Indeed, $ 34 billion worth of imports from China while the Asian country will also enforce retaliatory tariffs on US automotive products.

He adds that the currencies with the greatest losses are those of the countries that produce raw materials because of the fall in oil prices, after Donald Trump pressed Saudi Arabia to increase its oil production with the obj. to reduce the prices of crude oil and derivatives.

Especially for Mexico the peso is also among the currencies that lose the most after the preliminary results of the presidential and legislative elections. ] However, he pointed out that in the short term, consumer confidence could increase, since López Obrador won with a large advantage which could speed up consumption.

He warned that the factors that continue to move the peso in the short term should be news related to protectionism in the United States, speculation about the Federal Reserve's monetary policy and the contagious effect of others currencies of emerging economies.

The exchange rate should be between 19.90 and 20.20 pesos per dollar in interbank rates for sale.

In turn, Banco de México (Ba Mexico) reports in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) that the exchange rate for settling foreign currency transactions payable in the country is 19,6912 pesos.

Meanwhile, the interbank interest rates of the balance (TIIE) at 28 and 91 days is at 8.1004 and 8.1415%, the former with a loss of 0.0026 points and the second with a gain of 0.0040 percentage points




Interbanking ___ 20.12 ___ 20.13

Euro ________ 23.35 _____ 23.72 [19659003] BANCOMER

Interbanking _ 20.11 ___ 20.12

Euro ____ 22.63 ___ 23.71



Free ____ 18.90 ____ 20.30

Euro ____ 22.85 ____ 23.70

SANTANDER [19659003] Dollar

Free ____ 19.59 ___ 20.07

Euro _____ 22.79 ___ 23.60 [19659003]


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