The dollar continues to rise and in Posadas it is sold at 30 pesos in the exchange agencies


The US currency rose 3.4% yesterday – and has racked up almost two pesos in the last four wheels – for dollar hedges by private investors against the end of the month, with growing fears of Global aversion to risk and mistrust in the economic direction of the government. In the capital of Misiones in the exchange agencies, the currency is sold at 30 pesos.

With this result, the currency shows an advance of 16.1% ($ 4.1) in June, and 56.52% in the first half of the year, a performance that overshadowed the attractiveness other investments in domestic assets.

The note, in this sense, jumped 98 cents to its new historical record $ 29.66 in banks and exchange houses of Buenos Aires. It was in tune with the single market and free trade (MULC), the currency soared 78 cents to 28.85 dollars, updating some of the increase at the end of the roll, after the second auction conducted by the BCRA. [19659002] In order to contain the outbreak, the monetary authority has placed an additional $ 300 million, which it has sacrificed from its reserves, at the same time. exception of the 150 million US dollar loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for account and order. from the Ministry of Finance. The average price of the cut, in the latter case, was 29.1209, the minimum price being set at 29.0590

Thus, the sale of 450 million US dollars by the official entities exceeded the actual operations of the banks registered in the Siopel , which amounted to 349 million US dollars. Trade volume increased by 45% to $ 1,017 million

Operators explained to the media that the outbreak occurred "mainly because of a loss of confidence in the government "in relation to the economic and political course. the absence of clear signals regarding how the adjustment of the budget deficit agreed with the IMF will be carried out and the publication of negative data on the progress of the economy published by the Indec these last days. [19659002] Prices had a broad and significant volatility in a nervousness scenario that faded only after the second official auction. The amplitude between the maximums and the minimums exploited was the highest of recent times and reflected the dispersion of values ​​in a context of uncertainty.

The minimums were noted at the beginning at $ 28.35, twenty-five cents above the previous end. . With very little volume being exploited in the first half of the day, the few transactions recorded reflected a significant increase in values ​​in the face of insufficient supply to respond to orders without execution. Demand pressure pushed prices up to $ 29.45 before the first official auction. After the second intervention of the Central Bank, dollar values ​​stabilized with many highs and lows below $ 29 and remained in this range until the end of the session.

"The currency ended the month at its highest level, from the exit of convertibility, experiencing a significant jump that complicates the rest of the economic variables in an international scenario that does not help to reduce the dose of 39, unrest and uncertainty that avoids the dollarization of local portfolios, "says analyst Gustavo Quintana. Meanwhile, in the parallel square, the blue advanced 90 cents to $ 29.40 in the caves of the city of Buenos Aires. In this way, he stayed below the official odds. In turn, the "contad con liqui" jumped 41 cents to $ 28.64.

In the money market between banks, call money was negotiated at around 38%. In the context of foreign exchange swaps, an amount of US $ 113 million has been agreed to take and / or place funds in pesos through the use of dollar purchases for Monday and Tuesday. Levels of Lebac in the secondary circuit were stable within 19 days at 42.30% and 145 days at 40% of the TNA.

At Rofex, where $ 1 billion was mined, 50% was operated on until July with final prices of $ 29.82 with a rate of 38.35% from the ANT. The longest term with volume was December, which closed at $ 34.10 at a rate of 35.90%.

Finally, central bank reserves fell this Friday to US $ 1.078 million to US $ 61,872. million, because on the foreign exchange market, the BCRA held an auction in which it sold 300 million US dollars; and further, the cancellation of interest on Government Foreign Discount Laws for an amount equivalent to 492 million US dollars. Data: scope

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