The dollar falls below 20 pesos


In the interbank rating, the dollar is positioned in 19.61 pesos its lowest level in 32 days. In the exchange offices of the international airport of Mexico City (AICM), there is a maximum price of 19,85 pesos and a minimum price of 18 , 45 pesos.

The adjustment of the Mexican currency occurs in tandem with the major dollar crosses, according to the Banco BASE also pointed out that the Mexican peso's recovery is a consequence of a general weakening of the US dollar dollar as a result of a "return of risk appetite in global financial markets", as well as the increase in the reference rate of the Bank of Mexico City (Banxico) on June 21st.

] For its part, the banking institution, through the Official Journal of the Federation informed that the exchange rate for settling transactions denominated in foreign currencies payable in the country is located at 19.86 pesos. In this sense, Mexico benefits and surpasses an accumulated advance of about 1.5% in June, recovering some ground before an expected depreciation for the second quarter of more than 8 % caused especially because of the uncertainty surrounding the future of NAFTA .

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