The Dominican Republic and the UN strengthen HIV care mechanisms


July 27, 2018, 12:17 Santo Domingo, July 27 (Prensa Latina) The Dominican Republic is strengthening today its mechanisms of attention to people living with the immunodeficiency virus human (HIV-AIDS), supported by the United Nations system in the country

The day before, the agency introduced a new joint annual plan whose goal is to support the local response to the disease and reduce the risk of infections.

In addition, the project will follow the Dominican Republic's international commitments to help those affected and ensure their access to diagnostic tests and treatments.

The UN resident coordinator, Lorenzo Jiménez, at the presentation of the initiative stressed the need to intensify HIV prevention efforts, especially in the communities the most vulnerable. The diplomat explained that the plan also aims to eradicate the spread of the virus from mother to child, maintain the health and well-being of pregnant women, improve the access of children and adults to the test HIV and quality treatments. the regulations will contribute to the elimination of punitive laws, policies and practices that stigmatize or discriminate against diagnosed men and women.

During his speech, Jiménez also highlighted the progress in controlling the disease in recent years around the world, which attributed, among other things, to the considerable increase in access to antiretroviral drugs for people living with the virus.

According to the diplomat, new HIV infections worldwide continue to decline, as 3.4 million people infected in 1996, only 1.8 million contracted it last year.

rgh / bhq

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