The early dinner prevents these types of cancer


CITY OF MEXICO.- Scientists from the Institute of Global Health of Barcelona (Spain) concluded that the early dinner or waiting two hours before bed after the According to EurekAlert, specialists analyzed 621 cases of prostate cancer and 205,205 cases of breast cancer, which is crucial for reducing the risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer. In their experience, participants (872 men and 1,321 women) had to answer a series of questions about when they had dined and when they went to sleep, reports the web portal

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According to the results, people who eat a minimum of two hours before going to bed are 20% less likely to develop malignant tumors compared to those who go to bed immediately after dinner. A similar effect was observed among those who ate at nine o'clock in the evening or before ten o'clock in the afternoon

Experts believe that the main role in this trend is played by human circadian rhythms. According to the researchers, if these results are confirmed by other scientists, they would help formulate new recommendations for cancer prevention.

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