The Earth at 43 million kilometers [Ciencia] – 25/10/2018


Mexico.- This Thursday, NASA broadcast an image of the Earth taken at a distance of 43 million kilometers.

The photograph was captured by the Parker Solar Probe spacecraft, which aims to get as close to the sun as possible.

In the picture, you can see the Earth as a brilliant round dot surrounded by thousands of stars scattered in a part of the galaxy.

At this distance is the planet Venus, which used its gravitational force to align the course of the space probe, a maneuver called gravitational assistance.

The WISPR is able to capture structures in the atmosphere of the Sun – its crown – before they exceed its vision.

The two WISPR image panels come from as many telescopes that point in different directions and have a different field of view. The internal telescope produced the image on the left, while the external telescope produced the image on the right.

In the enlarged image, you can also see the Moon, a small point next to the Earth.

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