The elected mayors of Morena do not know Martha Erika Alonso as elected Governor of Puebla


PUEBLA, Pue., (Appro) .- The elected mayors of the Juntos Haremos Historia Coalition issued a unfolding to ignore Martha Erika Alonso Hidalgo as the elected governor of Puebla and denounce that the Puebla election contest was a " State election. "

Published in newspapers published in the country's capital, candidates for local and federal legislators, as well as mayors elected by the Morena-PT-PES alliance, report on what's going on. Happened during the elections in Puebla. where they accuse that there were PAN candidates linked to organized crime.

The signatories say that despite all the irregularities that took place in the elections in Puebla, the candidate for governor, Luis Miguel Barbosa Huerta, managed to win at the polls, but now they want to remove his triumph to favor the woman of former Governor Rafael Moreno Valle.

"In the state of Puebla, the 2018 electoral process has been a state election since its inception, all electoral bodies have had a shameful performance in favor of the candidates of PAN and its Coalition" said the elected candidates.

"In spite of all this, the coalition Together we will do History won the governorship, with Miguel Barbosa Huerta, senators, 14 of the 15 largest federal councils in the local Congress and the most important municipalities of the state. "

They claim that with the public money Alonso Hidalgo was sponsored and that all the state government apparatus and its dependencies worked in his favor.
"… different segments of society have been threatened, intimidated and pressurized, media control is worrisome, it has been an uneven process," he says.

"In different parts of the state, NAP candidates are linked to organized crime, ridden by official law enforcement agencies and by the Attorney General's Office." Violence of the day electoral has been allowed and even favored by the government and the morenovallismo, "he adds.

Another of the detailed irregularities in the deployment is the discovery of the so-called clandestine laboratory to alter the vote in favor of Alonso Hidalgo who was ridden by National Action at the MM Hotel.

"The certainty of the election is already lost, not open all the boxes is recovered, because these were already handled by the hand of the state government," he explains .

Recalling that on the day of the election, five murders were committed, and that there were 11 other election-related killings, the Morenoites warn that "Rafael Moreno Valle is a toxic man for Puebla and for national politics. "

"… We will not allow him to impose his wife as governor through this outrageous electoral fraud.Lucia Miguel Barbosa won the elections," they stress. "We will defend the popular will, we will defend the vote, we believe in the federal electoral justice, it is there that they will give us reason".

The elected candidates of the JHH conclude the document with the rejection that there could be a possible negotiation or pact with the former NAP governor. "… we will never negotiate behind people's backs."

This Sunday, Alonso Hidalgo received his majority record at a session of the General Council of the Puebla State Electoral Institute, whose facilities were cordoned off by at least 300 police, who have even blocked the passage to public transport.

The same situation was experienced at the Acropolis entertainment center, where the candidate organized a party with more than 10,000 fans mobilized in hundreds of buses and urban trucks.

At this location, a device was set up with the participation of about 400 policemen with shields and clubs that besieged the area.

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