The electoral body of Chiapas is declared ready for the electoral session


The Institute of Elections and Citizen Participation (IEPC) of Chiapas is declared ready for Sunday's elections, where the state government will be renewed, 40 local councils and 122 municipalities.

"We are ready central offices, by our executive council but especially by the 146 municipal and district councils and the more than 1800 electoral assistants who will be on the ground to attend the election day," he said. stated in an interview with Notimex, Oswaldo Chacón Rojas President Counselor of IEPC .

He explained that the elections this Sunday, where three million 549 thousand 291 Chiapas registered on the nominal list will be able to vote, will start at 08:00. The opening of the 6,315 individual boxes that the National Electoral Institute (INE) will install in the state.

He added that previously at 7:00 am, the IEPC General Council will perform a civic act for later at 8:00 am, declares in permanent session to follow the incidents of the election day.

"In the permanent session we are going to make some nooks but meeting intermittently to deal with incidents that could be reflected in the famous IJCS (information system of the Electoral Conference )", he said.

Regarding the program of the election results Preliminaries ( PREP ), assured that it will begin to function at 8:00 pm

In addition, Chacón Rojas described that the periods and campaigns of pre-campaign at the local level were characterized by the constant cases that were given challenges and complaints by the political actors.

"We live an electoral process, a period of campaigns and pre-campaigns very judiciarisés. in this state. Of course, litigation is not the best; however, it is provided in the regulations and ultimately political parties did not reach an agreement, they had disagreements over the definitions of candidacies and coalitions that had an impact on the development of our campaigns. "

the political climate could be reflected this Sunday in the flow of citizen participation; However, he hoped that beyond that, people would go to the polls to vote

"If we do not vote on July 1, we weaken the institutions and that does not suit anybody. an instrument of control and sanction, and if something we do not like because we reject it because we have many options to vote and if the partisan decisions we consider have been favorable because we will reward them to Polls, " Chacón Rojas

With regard to security at tomorrow's voting session, the President of IEPC assured that all conditions were met so that the citizens can vote in an atmosphere of peace.

"We have agreements with the authorities especially for the protection of the electoral documents, both in the delivery of the documentation to the Electoral Councils and to the sentatives of Casillas as in the collection and custody of electoral packets after election day, "he said.

It should be noted that yesterday, in the municipality of Huixtán, an armed group subtracted seven In this sense, he claimed that although Chiapas did not suffer the level of political violence suffered by other entities of the country, the state did not show itself unconscious of Conatos and assaults against candidates in certain municipalities

"We urge the federal, state and to assume their responsibilities and to guarantee conditions of peace so that the elections of July 1 can take place, "he said.

In his message to the people of Chiapas, Chacón Rojas invited citizens to vote Sunday with their family and friends for the development of the state and its people.

Sunday we have to leave the house because the opportunity to elect our representatives is presented every three years or every six years as appropriate, and what we are going to vote is not a minor problem what we will define here is the fate of our families, friends and neighbors. Let's vote freely and thoughtfully, "he said.


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