The emotions of seeing football increase the risk of heart attack


Watching your favorite team play, the heart starts to beat faster

Watching a World Cup 2018 football game always puts us on the sidelines, especially if our favorite team plays. However, you should consider starting quietly, as one study found that the emotions of watching football can cause life-threatening heart rhythm changes.

Emotions to See Football
Emotions that show up when looking at a heart game feature and the study conducted by the New England Journal of Medicine, concludes that watching a football match causes stress and doubles the risk of cardiovascular events.

To prove it, researchers from the International Journal of Cardiology recorded throughout the World Cup in Korea-Japan in 2002, the heart rate of hundreds of football fans.

After monitoring for a month, it was found that the speed of their heart rate increased up to 63% to see a football game and the number of cardiac arrests increased to 77% more .

The reason is that while you watch your favorite team play, the heart empts up. It begins to beat faster, blood pressure rises, and blood reaches larger parts of the body such as the heart and muscles.

Similarly, when your team loses or does not play as expected, your brain produces cortisol, the hormone that is released in response to stress.

Anxiety can also seize you during a decisive game and you will be able to perceive physical signals related to stress, such as sweating.

But all is not the fault of emotions to see football, as scholars indicate that there are other factors involved in this phenomenon such as:

Mood changes, changes in the nervous system caused by the consumption of alcohol, tobacco or drugs as well as the consumption of fatty foods while watching football games.

"The increase in saturated fat consumption of foods typical of Central Europe, such as french fries, beef fat, pork, lard and cheeses are common among people who watch sports on TV, "says the study.

"These foods can trigger acute cardiac symptoms, particularly when combined with factors such as stress and smoking," conclude the experts

It is not a matter of stopping to watch football, just take it and enjoy the game better.

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