The EU and Mexico agree on a trilateral ministerial meeting on NAFTA


CITY OF MEXICO – Bilateral meeting between the United States and Mexico to resume the renegotiation of NAFTA concluded Friday with the commitment of the two countries to prepare a ministerial meeting "soon ", announced the Ministry of Economy. "The teams from both countries will continue to work the following days for the next ministerial meeting," the agency said in a statement.

The Minister of the Economy and leader of the Mexican team in the revision of NAFTA, Ildefonso Guajardo and Chancellor Luis Videgaral concluded a two-day working tour during which they met with a delegation of US officials, led by corporate representative Robert Lighthizer, "in order to continue the process of renegotiating NAFTA". explained the secretariat.

Jesús Seade, appointed chief negotiator by Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the virtual elected president, accompanied the officials on the tour

. On the eve, Guajardo and Lighthizer have separately agreed that it is possible to reach an agreement on starting from August to modernize the Commercial Pact

Mexican team in negotiations – known as Cuarto de Junto – gave their approval to the commitment of officials to hold a ministerial meeting

. the talks for the next trilateral ministerial meeting endorse the will of the parties to build a scenario of agreement in principle, "said the chairman of the Coordinating Council of Enterprises and member of the fourth Joint, Juan Pablo Castañón, quoted in 19659002] Members of Junto's Cuarto met in Washington with interested publics, lawmakers and businessmen and with the Mexican trade unions know the progress of the process.

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