The EU denies its plan to invade Venezuela


The United States Government denied that President Donald Trump was planning to invade Venezuela because of the socio-political situation in the South Country

However, he acknowledged that this option would be an alternative for help the Venezuelan people. The spokesman for the National Security Council of the White House said that there was an invasion planned by the tycoon, which last year emphasized to his advisers the opportunity to ally with his Colombian counterpart Juan Manuel Santos and invade Venezuela to end the Nicolás Maduro regime and the humanitarian crisis in the country.

However, he assured that although Trump asked his advisers to suggest other options for invasion, the mogul emphasized the military path between some of them

. He asked questions about the military road, about humanitarian aid, about sanctions, about international cooperation against Nicolás Maduro's regime, "he said.The spokesman spoke anonymously to the agencies. , stating that there was no serious conversation about a possible invasion of the oil country.

The United States sent $ 30 million as humanitarian aid

It has assured that the tycoon was against when he discovered that the international media were moving the subject he had unofficially raised a year ago.

"President Trump has motivated the international community to work together and make pressure on the dictatorship of Maduro and change his self-criticism, "said the spokesman after mentioning that the United States had sent 30 million dollars to the Venezuelan people as humanitarian aid.

Similarly, the UN and the European Union demanded that the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela accept international aid for the sake of its citizens.

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