The EU does not hesitate: the trade war against China will intensify


The United States publishes a list of products imported from China for $ 200 billion a year, which would impose a tariff of 10% following the Chinese government's commercial retaliation of Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The White House Trade Representation (USTR) released the list of assets on Tuesday and set a schedule for a public hearing and commentary ending Aug. 30 before rates were taxed.

Among the products listed are certain types of pork and beef, fish, crustaceans, butter, eggs, vegetables, fruits, cereals, foods, minerals, chemicals, fabrics, clothing, metals, machinery and parts. 39; automobiles.

"Due to China's retaliation and the lack of change in its practices, the President (Donald Trump) has ordered the USTR the process of imposing 10% tariffs over 200 billion additional dollars of Chinese imports will begin, "said Robert Lighthizer, the White House's trade representative in a statement issued in 1969." This is an appropriate response under the authority Article 301 aims to eliminate China's harmful industrial policies, "he said.

On March 22, the USTR released the results of an investigation under Section 301 of the Trade Act 1974. the Chinese Government concerning the transfer of technology and intellectual property.

The report details four methods that the Chinese government uses to unfairly advance its industrial policy objectives: forced transfer of intellectual property or technology; discriminatory license restrictions; the acquisition of technologies and assets coordinated or supported by the state, and the use of cyber-intrusions to gain unauthorized access to confidential information. As a result, the United States imposed tariffs starting last Friday on imported Chinese goods worth $ 36 billion, to which China responded with equivalent measures.

Trump announced Thursday that she would apply import taxes In addition, Trump warned that if China reacted by retaliation against the United States (which happened), it would fix more tariffs on products imported from China, first for $ 200,000 million and then for $ 300,000 million more.

"We have been very clear and detailed with regard to the specific changes that China should undertake.Unfortunately, China has not changed its behavior, a behavior that jeopardizes the future of The US economy Instead of responding to our legitimate concerns, China has begun to retaliate against US products, "said Robert Lighthizer.

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