The EU is as bad as China in trade: Trump


  The EU is as bad as China in trade: Trump

Trump's comments occur ten days before his participation at the NATO summit in Brussels, where he will see many leaders of the EU both strong tensions in the transatlantic relationship.

The American President Donald Trump estimated that European Union (19459014) is "maybe as bad as China" his business relationship [19659004] with United States even though his country spends "a fortune in NATO to protect them" . bad like China, only smaller. It's terrible what they do to us, "said Trump in a recorded interview this week and broadcast today by Fox News.

I love these countries, l & # 39; Germany and all countries, Scotland … but they treat us very badly … very unfairly … And despite that, we have spent a fortune on NATO to protect them. "

The comments of Trump arrive ten days before their participation in the NATO Summit at Brussels where you will see many leaders of the EU at the time of strong tensions in the transatlantic relationship .

As reported this week by the American publication Axios and confirmed by the British newspaper The Guardian at the Group of 7 (G7) summit in Canada in early June, Trump assured that NATO "is as bad as NAFTA", the US trade treaty Relations with the EU are at a low point due to Trump's decision to finally impose tariffs on imports of steel and aluminum from the European bloc, which responded with levies of 2,800 million euros on a list of US products

Trump threatened last week to impose a customs duty of 20% on all imports of vehicles arriving in the US from the EU, and According to press reports, he approached with members of his team the opportunity to leave the United States. World Trade Organization (WTO).

Asked about his plan to limit Chinese investment in technology companies in the United States, unveiled this week and no He is as aggressive as expected, Trump pointed out that he gets "well with China" and " like his president, "Xi Jinping," who is president for life and can almost be called hey. "

I do not like to point to China alone. They are also from other countries (those that concern me), and I want to focus on the world. "


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