The EU is preparing retaliatory measures against possible Trump tariffs on cars


  EU prepares retaliatory measures for possible Trump tariffs on cars

The European Union said it was preparing retaliatory measures against the United States if President Donald Trump imposed tariffs on imported cars and parts of vehicles [19659003] BRUSSELS

L to the European Union declared that he is preparing retaliatory measures against the United States United if President Donald Trump imposes tariffs on imported cars and parts of vehicles.

The auto industry is a big employer and exporter in Europe, and new tariffs could hit the region hard, as well as consumers and manufacturers in the United States, where prices could rise.

The EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said on Thursday that the 28-nation bloc could be forced to impose more "rebalancing measures" if Trump had staggered as commercial tensions with tariffs on cars. That would add to the taxes that the United States has already imposed on steel and aluminum, to which the EU has responded by tariffs on US products.

If the United States imposes these tariffs on cars, that would be very regrettable. that the EU was preparing "a list of rebalancing measures, in the same way, and we made it very clearly with our American partners."

Malmstrom and the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, will be visiting Trump next week, during a visit to Europe last week, Trump's New reprimanded the EU for not being a fair trade partner and called the block "enemy".

Merges Time magazine with Trump and … Putin on its cover [19659005] The EU said that it is true that its tariffs on cars are higher than those in the US – about 10% vs. 2% – but they only apply to about 15% of the car market.The visit that European officials will make on July 25th will try to contain the damage and Malmstrom will strive to ensure that the commercial fight does not not compete in the lucrative automotive sector. recognized, without However, the meeting between the two parties "can be a little unpredictable."

This month, the EU publishes an analysis of the possible economic effect of US tariffs on the automotive industry and calculates that it could make that the European Community and other US trading partners respond by applying tariffs on US products valued at $ 294 billion, or about 19% of total US exports

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