The European Commission will pay countries to receive migrants


The European Commission offered to assume the cost of hosting migrants arriving in the Mediterranean, trying to spread the burden among several governments after Italy closed the ports of the country for the lifeboats.

According to the plan, would be paid 6 thousand euros for each person accepted in addition to to finance the cost of the hundreds of experts who would help to process the claims of Migrants' asylum, mainly from Africa

The commission's plan for the governments of the European Union to lift the so-called "controlled centers" on their territory is Derived from the summit of European leaders in June that proclaimed its success reach an agreement to control the migration, but left a lot of details in the air.

Irregular migration has declined considerably since 2015, when more than one million people entered the European Union, but surveys show that it remains a major concern

The governments of Italy and Germany are under intense pressure to ensure the entry of fewer migrants into their territory on the other side of the Mediterranean, while the Eastern European leaders refuse to accept them. Italy has closed its ports to humanitarian relief vessels, claiming that it carries an unfair burden of asylum seekers.

In making her proposals public, a spokeswoman for the commission stated that she was looking for "a real shared regional responsibility for responding to the complex". challenges of migration ", although governments have not yet offered to host new centers.

Envoys of the European Union should address the proposal on Wednesday. L & # Spain, France and Malta could be the biggest beneficiaries since they harbored boats rejected by the Italian Minister of the Interior, the far right Matteo Salvini

Italy and Malta rejected a ship with 60 immigrants on board earlier this month, forcing it to dock in Barcelona, ​​in a recent example of European divisions on the subject.

The Commission proposed to start a pilot phase as soon as possible as possible and stated that a "controlled center" employs hundreds of people interpreters to asylum experts, all paid by the European Union.

The facility would allow selection migrants, by sending back In their country those who do not meet the requirements of asylum, said the commission. This would also prevent migrants from bypassing the rules of registration and going directly to the most coveted destinations, such as Germany and Sweden.

In parallel, the Commission presented a proposal for "regional landing platforms" they would be located outside the European Union to do the procedures of the people rescued at sea However, the plans remain vague and do not mention any possible host country.

Diplomats said that they could settle in North Africa.


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