The European Union criticizes Trump for car expenses


  The European Union criticizes Trump for auto tariffs

The EU reacted to tariffs on steel and aluminum with taxes on US products valued at $ 2,800 million


The European Union criticized Monday the Donald Trump government for weighing tariffs on car imports, saying that they could lead to retaliation against 300 billion dollars of American products.

Margaritis Schinas stated that the US investigation into the possibility of auto tariffs "lacks legitimacy, actual basis and violates the rules of international trade" just like the tariffs imposed last month by Washington . to imports of steel and aluminum.

Car Manufacturers Oppose Trump Tariffs

The EU sent comments to the United States on whether vehicle imports accounted for such threat to the national security of the United States to justify tariffs.

Trump invoked reasons of national security who stated that the measure is "pure protectionism" imposed retaliatory tariffs against US products, such as Mexico, the Canada, Turkey and India.

European cars do not threaten or harm American health and industry and the economy, "said Schinas, who noted that European automakers are creating more than one half million jobs in the United States.

In its comments, the EU argues that trade restrictions would almost certainly lead to higher costs for US-based producers and become a tax effect for US consumers. This would be compounded by measures that the bloc of 28 nations and other trading partners will certainly impose in response.

The EU responded to tariffs on steel and aluminum with taxes on US products valued at 2,800 million The bloc said that the automotive industry American is in good health, but any restrictive measure could undermine this trend

The impact of retaliation from Washington's trading partners could be total. $ 294 billion, about 19% of total US exports in 2017, says the EU.

Last week, European Council President Donald Tusk warned that Trump's policies are damaging transatlantic relations and that "we must prepare for the worst". Mr Tusk said that the US President's trade measures and his decisions to withdraw from global agreements are not isolated cases, but are part of a trend.

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