The European Union has concluded a vague agreement to solve the problems of immigration – 29/06/2018


Fourteen hours of meeting and a fierce battle with Italy have required that the leaders of the 28 European countries reach this morning an immigration agreement that should reduce an unjustified political hysteria in the data as the arrivals Migrants in Europe across the Mediterranean They fell 96% in three years, from more than one million to less than 50,000.

It was five in the morning in Brussels when the President of the European Council Donald Tusk announced on Twitter that a pact had been reached. The details of the agreement are vague and the measures are voluntary, but the agreement serves to ease tensions and German Angela Merkel to breathe. Its Bavarian political partners of the CSU threatened to overthrow its governmental coalition if an alliance did not leave this summit.

The pact is based on a few general premises and voluntary commitments. The 28, driven by the growing presence of right-wing parties in several bloc countries, are in agreement to continue to tighten European migration policy and, without saying so, to have as a priority that migrants and refugees can not reach European soil. [19659004] The European Union is considering an agreement to solve the immigrant crisis "src =" "data-big =" https: // images / 2018/06/28 / BJ-h8JmzX_290x290__1.jpg "data-small ="” observer=”” data-observer-function=”loadLazyImg”/>

L' Italy writes that migration management is the responsibility of the entire bloc and not just countries that serve as a gateway to Europe (mainly those in the Mediterranean), although European governments from the East have managed to ensure that any distribution of refugees will now be on a voluntary basis, ending the quota system that the European Commission wanted to impose two years ago without ever being able to operate.

The 28th agreed at dawn that concentration camps would be created to land migrants there. is and refugees rescued at sea. These centers will be built on European soil but the conclusions of the summit ask the European Commission to quickly study the possibility of doing them also on North African soil, despite the reluctance of 39 a group of countries (mainly France, Spain and Greece) last night to this idea.

No country in North Africa has offered to host any of these centers, not even support them. Tunisia and Morocco have already refused and Libya is in a state of lawlessness. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) yesterday sent a document to European leaders explaining their conditions to participate in the management of these centers (which the Europeans euphemistically call in the conclusions of this summit "centers" ")

  German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the end of the first day of the summit between the major EU countries to analyze migration in general and other issues related to security and security. # 39; s economy. EFE / OLIVIER HOSLET

German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the end of the first day of the summit between the major EU countries to analyze migration in general and other issues related to security and the economy. EFE / OLIVIER HOSLET

If Europe manages to set up refugee centers on African soil, it can send them only to those who have not managed to reach the waters European. Those who were saved in European waters could not be sent back to Africa because the international conventions and the European directive on asylum would be violated.

The European governments that accept these centers will do so voluntarily and none of them has raised their hands this morning. The Spanish delegation denied that its territory would welcome them despite the fact that Spain was considered one of the candidates. Spanish President Pedro Sanchez said: "The centers may be an option for some countries, and we want to continue with our instruments and to thank for more economic resources for the countries of origin and transit" migrants.

Migrants and asylum seekers arriving in Europe would be sent to these centers. There, their claims would be processed to decide whether they are entitled to refugee status or some form of legal protection or if they are deported, even if the actual deportation rate does not reach 40% of those who receive an eviction order.

  After a few days adrift, Malta finally accepts the "Lifeline", a German ship full of immigrants "src =" "data -big = "https: / /" data-small = "[19659013] The pact to strengthen the borders The bloc 's external funds will increase the financial funds (an additional 500 million euros) to pay for Turkey and the countries of the North African coast, Spain attracting the capital. Watch out for the increase in arrivals of irregular migrants from Morocco, a country that sees how Turkey has been charging for two years to stop the outflows of migrants His government has done so free of charge until now. </p>
<p>   Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who had blocked the agreement for several hours, congratulated himself at five in the morning. Tale said, a puppet in the hands of the strong man of the new Italian government, the neo-fascist Matteo Salvini, that Italy "is no longer alone". </p>
<p>   With Austria becoming closer to the East European nationalists for the participation of five far right ministers in his government, Paris, Madrid and Athens have joined forces for to force an agreement that would relieve Merkel, although the agreement is based on voluntary premises that do not force any government to do anything that every leader can sell in his </p>
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