The Federation delays the lawsuit against Cesar Duarte


CDMX.- César Augusto Peniche Espejel, Attorney for Chihuahua regretted that the federal government continues without arresting the former governor of this state, C Esar Duarte Jáque z, who could be in the United States

The prosecutor explained that there is more than a year the Public Prosecutor's Office (PGR) submitted the records; however, the unit did not process them, arguing that the documents have not been translated or are in the process of being integrated.

"Unfortunately, we would not want to think about this scenario, p ero we get rid of it. Yes, we see a slowness that does not surprise us, especially because the urgency of this type of case should be the subject of an investigation, and we see that there are records that were delivered in March or April 2017 and which have not not yet delivered Ministry of Foreign Affairs for processing " explained.

The official explained that they have information from that the former governor is in El Paso, Texas, but does not have the mandate to do so. stop has been served.

(Request information from Excelsior)

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