The fight against obesity begins with a healthy diet


This Monday, November 12 is the World Day for the Fight Against Obesity, a situation that has risen dangerously in our country in recent years and is currently considered a public health problem.

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A sedentary population with poor eating habits is fertile ground for obesity. Overweight and obesity are an important risk factor for chronic noncommunicable diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular problems, digestive disorders and diseases of the joints, among others.

The incidence of obesity in our country has gone from a simple statistic to a public health "alarm". In 2008, according to data from the National Nutrition Survey, obesity and overweight at school age were 21%. For 2016, the survey on the weight and size of schools conducted with a population aged 6 to 12 years revealed that 20% of children were overweight and 14% were obese in the US. whole country.

These results can be explained by the following factors: over-eating in school-aged children, the foods consumed in snacks are mostly pre-packaged, high in fat, sugar, sodium and the nutrients needed to growth and growth. adequate development, high consumption of sugary drinks and low or no consumption of water, fruit and vegetables.

In the adult population, the current situation is no less alarming, the rate of overweight and obesity being 64.5%, according to data from the Ministry of Health.

The College of Nutrition Professionals wants to educate the public about the impact of overweight and obesity on people's quality of life and the need to improve eating habits as well. a fundamental step in their prevention.

A varied and balanced diet is to consume sufficient amounts of food in all groups, avoiding excess, so as to ensure the supply of nutrients that our body needs. These nutrients include protein, carbohydrates, fats, water, vitamins and minerals.

As nutrition professionals, we recommend:

• Eat fruits and vegetables every day.
• Prefer whole grain foods, whole grains.
• Eat low-fat chicken, beef, pork and fish. Preferably prefer the visible fat before cooking.
• Drink enough water.
• Avoid highly processed foods containing large amounts of sugar, flour and fat.
• Set a meal schedule and avoid biting.
• Use cooking methods that include boiling, roasting, steaming and steaming rather than frying.
• Prefer low fat dairy products.
• Prefer the consumption of beans, chickpeas and lentils.
• Stay active.

A good diet is a behavior that is learned, it is a product of perseverance. Parents should give the example of a healthy and balanced diet. Just as children are educated in areas such as courtesy, respect for elders, solidarity and other values, it is important to learn how to eat well.

Obesity is a disease, a health problem and as a prevention, we must work on two concrete pillars: a balanced diet and physical exercise. If in our family, we have people suffering from obesity, never improvise, do not copy another person's treatment and do not get carried away by myths or beliefs. It is advisable to consult a nutrition specialist for your approach.

If we eat well today, the body will thank us tomorrow.

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