The Fine Arts Literary Awards 2018 distributed 2 MP between 7 authors and 4 authors


The Federal Department of Culture Federal and National Institute of Fine Arts (INBA) Announce by a Statement to Winners of the Fine Arts Literature Awards 2018 that this year were distributed two million pesos in economic stimuli plus preseas and publication awarded works.

The prizes are awarded jointly by the following cultural authorities and governments: Baja California, Campeche, Coahuila, Chihuahua, Durango Michoacán, Morelos, Puebla, San Luis Potosí, Tabasco and Tlaxcala

As well as the House of Culture "Ernestina Gamboa", of Gómez Palacio; the Museum "Francisco Cossío", the University of Colima and the Council of the Theater "Isauro Martínez", by which, according to the different calls, the recognitions will be delivered to the corresponding places on the dates agreed with the winners.

Geney Beltrán, National Coordinator of Literature of INBA (Special)

We present you w Here is the list winners, the jury who awarded them, and the amount of their economic revival.

1.- Lorena Venta Betancourt. Baja California of Dramaturgy "Luisa Josefina Hernández" (150 thousand pesos) for his work Birds or the end of the world? Jury: Mario Cantú Toscano, Ana Francis Mor and Silvia Peláez.

2.- Ernesto Lumbreras. Fine Arts Prize of History of Children "Juan de la Cabada" (200,000 pesos) for his work entitled Hail Abacus for Counting Ghosts ] (1979 album). Jury: Jorge Cocom Pech, Martha Riva Palacio and Carlos Vadillo

3.- Elpidia García Delgado. Fine Arts Award of Short History "Amparo Dávila" (200 thousand pesos) for The man who killed Cold Fingers and d & # 39; other stories . Jury: José Pergentino, Magali Velasco and Carlos Velázquez

4.- Daniel Zavala Medina . Literary Prize of Literary Essay "José Revueltas" (300 thousand pesos), for the work entitled Soberbios Tiger Ojos: Five Essays on The Sombra del caudillo . Jury: Yasnaya Aguilar, Gabriel Bernal Granados and Edith Negrin

5.- Luis Felipe Lomelí. Fine Arts Literary Award Literary Essay "Malcolm Lowry" (150 thousand pesos), for his work Aesthetics of Shortage. Jury: Fabienne Bradu, Rose Corral and Elba Sánchez Rolón

6.- Carlos Velázquez. Narrative Colima Fine Arts Prize for Published work (300 thousand pesos) for the book The Pernicious Sarniento (Cocaine Selfie) Editions Cal y Arena. Jury: Sol Ceh Moo, Fabio Morábito, Roberto Pliego

7.- Alma Rosa Sánchez Mancilla Fine Arts Prize of Roman "José Ruben Romero " (200 thousand pesos), for Shadows. Jury: Alejandro Badillo, Ana Clavel and Kalu Tatyisavi

8.- Adriano Madriles. Fine Arts Award Play for Girls, Boys and Young People "Perla Szuchmacher" (200 thousand pesos), for Light Feet . Jury: Micaela Gramajo, Verónica Maldonado and Camila Villegas

9.- Vicente Alfonso. Fine Arts Prize of Literary Chronicle "Carlos Montemayor" (100 thousand pesos) for the work entitled Here all rotten. Jury: Laura Emilia Pacheco, Magali Tercero and Eleuterio Xaagat García

10.- Nora Coss. Fine Arts Award "Juan Rulfo" for First Roman (100 thousand pesos) for his work Nubecita . Jury : Barrera Ave, Luis Jorge Boone and Javier Castellanos.

11.- Luis Arturo Guichard. Iberoamerican Fine Art Prize Poetry "Carlos Pellicer" for published work (100 thousand pesos) for his book The Garden of Mrs. D ] (Hyperion Editions). Jury : Minerva Margarita Villarreal, Alejandro Higashi and Mikeas Sánchez

In total, the 11 juries were attended by women and 42.4% of the men (19 and 14 years old).

The 39.4% of specialists residing outside Mexico (13) : there were jurors from the states of Baja California, Campeche , Chiapas, Coahuila, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Nuevo Leon, Oaxaca, Puebla, Veracruz and Yucatán.

Because the Fine Arts have allowed since 2018 the participation of works written in one of the native languages ​​ national, 24.2% of the jurors invited were writers in original languages ​​ with trajectory (zapoteco, maya, Chinantec, Zoque, Mixe and Mixteco); the rest (75.8%) are authors in Spanish

Similarly, it was asked that the jury participate not only to writers but also to literary critics (12.1 %) ] and researchers ( 15.2 percent).

These are from The College of Mexico City the University of Guanajuato, Universidad Veracruzana the National University of Mexico and Universidad Autonomous Metropolitan University .

* According to information from INBA


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