The firm hand of Raymundo Collins – Pepe Capitalino


The firm hand of Raymundo Collins

The good guy of José Ramón Amieva, head of the government of Mexico, who must take the reins of the Ministry of Public Security is Raymundo Collins. And why him? Because, they tell us, the former director of the Housing Institute is a rude man, who is not usually a boat and who does not tempt the heart to get results ; also, something very important, is a friend of Miguel Ángel Mancera and also of Marcelo Ebrard, because of the transition. If the meeting is finalized, since Amieva proposed to the president Enrique Peña Nieto last week, Collins will have the mission to respect, yes the respect of the police and the subordinates, and what is necessary to say on the criminals that's why he also has friends with a very bad reputation, because they tell us that something that failed with the previous owner was that they were not taking it seriously and that the mice had parties with or without the current cat. He will be?

Encinas, stays or does not move the ropes

They say that he will give up and other than not to his deputation and to the coordination of Morena in the first Congress of Mexico, because they contemplate to occupy a sub-department at the Ministry of the Interior in December. The certain thing is that, while his future is decided, Alejandro Encinas has already begun giving a line to Morena's future lawmakers. He first summoned them and informed them of the austerity plan that the new Congress will have to follow, now that he will take office on 17 September. In the meantime, Mr. Encinas, if he wishes, could coordinate the legislative work four months before making the jump to the Segob to carry out the task that Andrés Manuel had already entrusted to him, namely the follow-up of the Ayotzinapa case. Nobody will prevent it or take it badly, although some Morenoites do not agree on the determination. And, in addition to being one of AMLO's spouses, Don Alejandro has the ideal profile to gain access to the congressional presidency. It will be necessary to remember that he was the one who headed the writing team of the Constitution, and may be the head of chamber that
Harmonize the laws emanating from this text, plus it could be of immense help to the government of Claudia Sheinbaum in Mexico City, for her great experience. Time will tell us.

The collapse of Plaza Artz has shaken many people

The case of Plaza Artz Pedregal is another of the many irregular real estate cases in Mexico City. So much so, that just and learned from the collapse, many officials and officials as well as individuals, began to tremble. One of them, María Antonieta Hidalgo, delegate of the PRD of Álvaro Obregón, who, without being invited, opened all the information related to the permits, the land uses and the verifications of the land where the shopping center was built. The same thing happened with the Riobóo group. He withdrew from the collapse and specified that the structural design and calculations were carried out in strict compliance with the regulations in force and in accordance with the global quality standards. The truth is that everyone is washing their hands and in the case of Artz Pedregal, up to now, there is no charge or sign, as if the buildings were falling alone.

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