The Five Revelations of Chapter 11 of the Luis Miguel Series


The episode 11 of the series Luis Miguel left memorable moments for the fans of the singer

As was the custom in each show, this episode offered some revelations on the intimate life of "El Sol."

While the scriptwriter team explained that licenses were taken under certain circumstances to make a dramatic turnaround, the truth is that they achieved their goal of impact.

some of the most shocking moments of the most recent episode:

-No Marcela Basteri the woman admitted to a psychiatric hospital in Spain


In chapter 11 of the series "The Sun" was talked about the rupture between Luisito Rey and Basteri, as well as the recording of the first disc of "Romances"

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he chose to leave with his father Luisito Rey, instead of staying with his mother, Marcela Basteri, when they parted

-it ignored Luisito Rey when he looked for him, years after his distancing, to help


Twitter users have used the image of Luisito Rey hugging a ham to make fun

  Memes that left the sad scene of Luisito Rey   The memes that left the sad scene of Luisito Rey

– He asked the help of Fede de la Madrid to try to find the fate of his mother

– Under the pressure of his label to record a new album, Luis Miguel arrives with the idea to record new versions of boleros, under the direction of Armando Manzanero

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