The flight leaves one dead and six wounded


Ignacio Alzaga

An element of the Navy Secretariat died and six were injured when their vehicle overturned in the coastal area of ​​Michoacán .

The victims participated in Operation Summerguard 2018, which was launched to support and take care of the people who visit the beaches of this entity and other entities of the Republic.

The accident occurred on the El Arroyito bridge, about three kilometers from the town of La Tupitina, in Lázaro Cárdenas.

The commando unit carried 14 naval elements, of which seven were hospitalized; After a few hours of intensive care, a sailor lost his life as a result of serious injuries he suffered. The authorities are investigating the cause of the incident.

As a national maritime authority and coast guard, Semar implemented the lifeguard operation from July 7 to August 19, to ensure the safety of domestic and foreign tourists.

The Tenth Naval Zone deployed personnel to the richest beaches on the Michoacan coast in coordination with authorities at all three levels of government.

He set up rescue and rescue stations in Playa Jardín, Playa Azul, Playa Eréndira, Caleta de Campos and San Juan Alima.

More than 256 elements participate, including admirals, captains, classes and sailors; 16 surface, surface and ground units performing vital tasks, medical support and surveillance.

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