The flu will worsen


There will be more cases in the coming weeks, alerts

The Secretary of State for Health, Jorge Eduardo Mendoza Mezquita, urged the population not to panic about the flu epidemic but warned of an increase in cases in the "We are waiting for a rebound," he said. "The increase will be longer or shorter as long as the citizen takes care of himself."

He added that, fortunately, elementary schools were already going on vacation and that this would contribute to reducing and cutting chain of transmission of the disease. The goal, he continued, is to obtain it before the start of school at the end of August

The secretary offered a press conference accompanied by representatives of other institutions of the health sector, such as IMSS and Issste, in order to offer an overview Among other things, it was confirmed that there are no vaccines for the general population because the campaign 2017-2018 was made from October to March, although the IMSS and Issste indicated that they have available doses, remnants of the countryside, as other voices l & # 39; 39, pointed out, it was also stated that until epidemiological week 27, only 40 cases of influenza were reported – most cases were reported. type AH1N1- with zero deaths.

According to this version, the death announced a few days ago by the Ministry of Health itself has not been judged Direct incidence of influenza and therefore does not appear in official statistics.

In its most recent newsletter, corresponding to week 26 – at the press conference yesterday we talked about week 27 -, the National System of Epidemiological Surveillance (Sinave) reports 58 cases at Yucatán, including 22 during the last week covered by the report. There have also been reports of several deaths related to the condition. Only at the Hospital O 'Horán there are nine dead.

"We do not hide anything, but we must follow the rules (the process that is followed for the confirmation of a death due to the flu)," said Dr. Mendoza Mezquita.

The secretary pointed out that, as long as death is not dictated by illness, nothing can be dared. He added that up to now, nine cases of influenza have been reported across the country.

He also asked that people do not panic or let themselves be carried away by fake versions circulating on social networks and only lead to collective hysteria. those who make 40 deaths from the flu and that strain AH191 was intentionally released to make more profits with the sale of drugs.

Marbella Perera Rivero, head of the Department of Epidemiological Surveillance of the Ministry of Health, presented He specifies that the group most affected is the group of 30 to 45 years.

Manuel Jesús Paredes Aguilar, director of prevention and health protection of the same agency, emphasizes that the vaccination campaign was conducted October 2017 to March this year and, as Dr. Mendoza, said that 100% of the programmed goal has been achieved.

The director of prevention said that the vaccine does not prevent the person from getting the flu, but it reduces the effects.

Alonso Sansores Río, coordinator of prevention and health care of the IMSS, said that there is an increase in consultations for respiratory diseases. Effect of fear of many people before suspicion of flu.- Ángel NOH ESTRADA

Prevention of influenza

Health authorities insist that people take preventive measures against influenza.

Cleanliness and Consultation [19659003] Among the most basic, let's mention the continuous hand washing – an antibacterial gel can be used – and the use of masks if necessary. It is emphasized that in case of suspected flu, because of the symptoms, it is best to go to the doctor. Self-medication should not be used.


Confirmatory tests are only performed in 10% of the cases as a rule. As a result, the actual number of patients is greater than reported. Issste denied again yesterday the death of a minor in his regional hospital because of the flu, but admitted that he had a case under surveillance.

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