The former minister and former treasury director of the government of Caesar Duarte is detained


CITY OF MEXICO (APR) .- Guadalupe Medina Aragón, accountant of the ex-governor César Duarte Jáquez -profit of justice-, was apprehended today in the city of Parral, while the former director of investment programs of the Ministry of Finance, Erick Manuel Hernández Aguilar, was arrested in the capital of Chihuahua

Governor Javier Corral Jurado confirmed in Ciudad Juarez the arrest of the woman: "She is involved in several detours and has participated in other operations in which the former governor wrongdoing, economic transfers to divert.It was arrested."

In addition, she said that there were still dozens of investigation files being developed with different issues related to the previous administration.

"The case of the accountant will be announced by the prosecutor's office.What I know is the data they've told me.It is involved, even, as a beneficiary of the l & # 39; One of these deviations was that Enrique Peña Nieto's government had withheld Duarte Jáquez's extradition requests for the more important cases, which referred to the diversion of resources to the PRI or the US. government, the officials of your government.And he only requested extradition based on the other arrest warrants, which now total 14.

For this reason, he said that once the process Elected election, he will convene the federal president to remove the protection Caesar Duarte

These last two arrests coincided with the holding of the forum on the Chihuahua case on corruption at the Institute of Legal Research of the UNAM, where the secretary of the Public administration, Rocío Stefany Olmos, participated in the "The fight against corruption in the State of Chihuahua" and explained how the Duartista Corruption Network worked.

The official has repeatedly insisted that corruption can not be studied by one person because "it goes further". it's a system ", so that not only can focus on Caesar Duarte and Alejandro Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, former deputy general secretary of the National PRI and operator of Manlio Fabio Belt the important, he said , it is that they have been able to prove it because it can not be done frequently.

"Corruption hardly occurs in an official (…) we observe sophisticated and articulated networks of officials, organized to commit this type of acts (…) networks begin to weave appointments, with certain positions to divert, do business. The Corruption Network itself was led by César Duarte with very close collaborators, many first and second degree parents, known mainly in the fields of education, health, finance, public works "From different levels of government and other powers, a situation that made research more difficult." The state government also interacted at the federal and municipal levels to expand the network, which explains why in six years there was no sizing of what was happening and it had no consequences

The people or institutions had to be counterbalanced. , such as the Office of the State Comptroller which does not sanction anyone; the State Auditor, whose former incumbent is related to the process of four criminal cases because he accepted money by bank transfer b and in one of these cases, it was shown that it was modifying the audits, which they used as internal responsibility.

According to the official, this corruption network included the political class of the other parties, which until now is related to the process by the former local deputy of Movimiento Ciudadano, Fernando Reyes Ramírez.

"A network or protection network deployment with means of communication, with money not only that scandalizes with very high amounts, but with money that gave to a whole network of people that this allowed in six years no consequences for the ex-governor ", added Stefany Olmos. According to the official, from the transition phase of the government, they received many complaints and could observe how the corruption network worked of the artist. With that, they looked for behavioral patterns for the detour and once they located it, they could understand it to investigate it.

These are not, he said, exceptional cases, but "massive corruption". the money received, without government logos. "In addition, he continued, there were benefits for the other parties, but mainly for the governor, the PRI, with cash deliveries by the executive with amounts of over $ 25,000. one million to three million per month.

money was diverted through practices that were standardized as the retention of money to public workers, the money that was deducted from the Ministry of Finance by Payroll.

"These are rooted practices, do not automatically change with a new government …) until now, the former secretaries of finance, education are linked to the process. Education was at the head of the Institute of Housing, Transport, Works, the same official (…) Directors of Administration, Finance, former head of the SNTE in Chihuahua , former MP Fernando Reyes, the auditor, businessmen are also related. they benefited from this type of act, "said the official.

The detour attributed to Duarte in the 14 arrest warrants is 1,300 million pesos.

The network and its participants

In his presentation, Stefany Olmos explained that the operation of the Duartista network acted with four flanks and the center César Duarte with his wife, Olga Bertha Gómez Fong.

These flanks are: officials, protection network, contractors and direct operators.In them, he explained, at least 30 people and eight companies participated, whose operation reached entities such as Guerrero, State of Mexico, Oaxaca, Campeche, Sonora and Tlaxcala, through which they triangulated the public currency.

According to the Secretary of the Civil Service: Inmates Antonio Tarín García, former Director of Acquisitions and Treasury Services, and Gerardo Villegas M adriles, former director of the treasury administration. They are both nephews of Duarte.

Carlos Hermosillo Arteaga, MP and died March 20, 2017 of an accident on the Parral-Chihuahua road. He has held several strategic positions in the Duartista government, including that of President of the Central Board of Water and Sanitation.

In the network of officials participated, according to the official, the former secretary of education, culture and sports. Ricardo Yáñez Herrera, who is in custody; the former head of the SEDyD, former director of pensions and former private secretary of the former principal, Marcelo González Tachiquín, – he is still free; the former director of Seguro Popular and former Secretary of Health, Pedro Genaro Hernández Flores, who is in the process of administrative proceedings; and the former mayor of Obras Públicas and former mayor of Chihuahua, Javier Garfio Pacheco, already convicted

The list goes on: Eduardo Esperón González, former secretary of public works; Everardo Medina, former secretary of Public Works and cousin of Duarte; Sergio Medina Jurado, former Director of Acquisitions, also arrested; and Karla Jurado Bafidis, former director of the administration of the Ministry of Education, who has a court decision.

The companies up to here indicated, according to the Chihuahua government official, are: Kepler, whose representative Germain Ledezma is a prisoner; Fritag, with Jaime Fong, who was arrested; Bildung, SINAS, SISAX, Employers & Admin, Asesoría y Servicios Informáticos y Futura SA

In the protection network is indicated the former president of the PRI state, Karina Velázquez, who was also an official in the Duarte government and currently chairs the Congress of the State; as well as Pedro Mauli Romero, former treasurer of the Chihuahua PRI, who was linked to the process last year

of the national PRI, he mentioned Alejandro Gutiérrez, who is currently a prisoner, and Cristopher James Barousse, former leader National PRI for Young People

. Other actors indicated are former MP Fernando Reyes; Jesús Manuel Esparza Flores, ex-judge and compatriot of Duarte -detenido-; as well as Edgar Omar Ramirez Martinez, apprehended today. He even mentioned the "other parties" and the media.

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