The four-year-old girl with cerebral palsy who managed to walk for the first time


Maya Tisdale's parents recorded the moment when the minor took a few steps without needing her walker. Tisdale was diagnosed with the disease when she was two years old.

Instagram photo taken @mightymissmaya

Maya Tisdale was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when she was two years old. After several attempts, at age 4, managed to walk for the first time without help. His parents recorded the moment and posted it on social networks.

In the video, you can see how he begins to walk a few steps and then shouts for joy several times "I'm walking!" . Her brother, who was next to her, congratulates her and in the background you can hear her parents celebrate

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Michigan, United States, four months earlier than planned . A video from ABC News states that it was so small that they could put their parents' alliance on their wrists and that there was still plenty of room .

Her parents told the media in that country that they nicknamed her "Maya Mighty Miss" because they saw her as a fighting spirit in the House of Commons. premature babies from the hospital. the two years Maya needed a treadmill to be able to move because she could not walk more than five seconds.

In May, her parents traveled with her to Missouri St. Louis Children, to perform surgery called
selective dorsal rhizotomy. The goal of the surgery was to reduce muscle spasticity (tension and stiffness) due to the disease.

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Ann Tisdale, mother of the assured minor that means after the operation, the doctor Maya said she could walk "one day" with a daily physiotherapy. For this reason, the fact surprised the family that, in less than two months, the little one mobilized alone. "We expected it would take six months to a year to take the first steps," Tisdale explained.

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